Sunday, May 6, 2012

There's Nothing Perfect

People always try their best to be perfect.
So.......... are there any ways to measure 'perfect'??
How perfect is considered as perfect?
Are perfectionist really perfect?
Sometimes, it's flaws that make a person stand out among others.
No matter how smart, how great, how strong you are
There's definitely something that ought to be your weakness.
People, never push a person beyond their limits.
Everyone has a limit.

I hope I can use those things that I've advised my friends on myself.
See.... I'm good with words, not so good with actions.
I miss being with them


  1. Yes..!! We tend to advice other ppl.. we know the theory but we dont know how to do it.. xD May I know who is the lucky friend of yours?
    -passer by-

  2. hahaha... my advice its always the same but i dun think i can practice my own advice!
    Ishhh...... sibuk la u~ XD
    *passerby ignored*

  3. I love ur advice jo~ please advise me hehehehhes

  4. lol......... my universal advice u all already know la. XD
