Sunday, November 4, 2012

Say What?! = )

Ok... Now I feel bad for him.
Having closed interview is bad enough because the fans could not see him being interviewed.
The interview was carried out so poorly because he had to stand there answering questions.
Not even a seat and a table like a normal interview should have.
Then on his concert day, fans that are being called up on stage do not know how to sing his songs.
So depressing... No wonder he sulked more than he smiled.
It's obvious that he did not smile like he used to on any other concerts.
(I know it cause I watched his videos! = D )
I don't think he will come back to Malaysia...
Thanks to the organizers and the 'fans'
We left a bad impression.

A few new songs are out this week.
Didn't really like the songs very much at first.
But after listening for few times and knowing the meaning of it, they get pretty catchy and absolutely loving it now!

Rainy days like this makes me lazy.
Hiding in the room cuddling my pillow while listening to music.
Perfecto~! = )

Friday, November 2, 2012

He's Here!!!

I know I've been crazy posting about SeungGi's stuff on my FB again.
I'm sorry if I've bothered anyone or might feel annoyed because of all the postings popping out in front of them.
I even screamed at the bus stop when Seung Gi was on one of red fm radio segment.
And as embarrassed as it may sound, I'm still so contented about it!
Yes.. It's pretty embarrassing because there's people there and I shouted like nobody's business.
Sorry ei.........
I just got excited... Maybe 'overexcited' suits this situation better.
But it's such a sad thing that I could not go to the airport to pick him up.
Imagine! I can just shout something silly then he might pay attention to me.
Then a silly fan like me might get a smile or a weird stare from Seung Gi!
Anyway it is, at least he noticed me =D
Sadly, I was having class at that hour!
But luckily he let us out at 7 sharp!
Just in time to tune in to radio.

It's so cruel of my lecturer to put the account test today.
Can't she understand my feelings towards Seung Gi?!
Maybe she can't but I'm desperately eager to meet him.
There goes my long awaited to-meet-SeungGi chance.
What a tragic.
I freaked out in the room since Wednesday.
I even thought of skipping my test and just resit the paper another day.
I know this is EXTREME!!

Small complaint: SeungGi's cody/stylist or whoever you are! Do your job properly! Look at SeungGi's hair during his interview!! Ahhhh!!!!!!!!! Please style SeungGi smartly... PLEASE~~~~!!!

Anyways, Seung Gi still look good