Inter-College English Drama 2012 is officially over~~~~!!!
AWESOME!!! (catchphrase of the day XD)
After nights of insufficient sleeps, long hours of meetings, this event was finally run and executed today.
Though there are flaws here and there (not to mention the major technical problem!)
But still, we manage to overcome it and yes it's a success!
It was pretty scary at first and even thought of quitting from the very beginning.
And I think I've made the right choice.
At least I get to know more people now (though not that close nor not that many of them)
But it was a pretty good experience.
Learning the ways to do certain things and achieving it makes you feel so damn proud.
Seriously, things are much tougher and it's different compared to secondary school.
I've conducted event but not like this!
This is like major serious kind of stuff.
Screw one part, you screw the whole thing!
Really salute Director! (the most well dressed one!)
Problems after problems popping out.
Yet manage to deal them calmly.
If it was me.... HaHaHa~~!!!
Just imagine all the screams~~~
Awww.... I miss my juniors now~! (okay... that was pretty random...)
Anyways, just want to say our hard work paid off.
Though we're fatigue, eye bags are all hanging under our eyes, rushing for home works and this event at the same time, I think we never thought we would come this far.
Yet we did!!!
And I had a pretty bad timing.
Having period the day before event is like....
I'm just glad I'm not those get stomachache easily type of people.
But still.... It's pretty uncomfortable.
Not to mention all the walking up and down the flights of staircase.
Well, it's just my luck!
Just realize I haven't been home for 2 weeks.
Haven't called my grandparents since the day I came back to Uni.
I miss them.
How much I wish to go back this weekend.
Hopefully this is the end for this semester.
Test 2 and final exam is just around the corner.
I better not ruin my results.
To think of it, I realize it's my laziness.
That's the main problem!!!
I'm suppose to write about the event but somehow I'm talking about myself again (as usual!)
Back to the topic!
Performances during the 1st session was awesome to the max but the 2nd session was a little...
Well, you can say it's like rocking a baby in his cradle.
I nearly doze off...Zzzzzz..........
Sadly, we didn't win the champion prize though we won best script, best stage and best actress (WEIRD!)
The Challenge Trophy no longer belongs to K2 anymore... (owh so sad!)
Guess that's it.
And I braided 8 people's hair!
Record breaking moment.
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