Saturday, May 22, 2010

Movie Craze

Despite all of my entertainments had been 'moved out',
I still have my laptop and the internet access (thanks to whoever that line belongs to = P)
Well.... Had been watching lots of movies these few days.
And I've watched most of them back in the past.
How much I missed those shows
'Parent Trap', 'A Cinderella Story', Bedtime Stories', 'Enchanted', etc etc...
Some of them brought laughter to me while others just makes me cry...
You know... those romantic and 'happily ever after' shows~
It only happens in fairy tales, I guess...
You can't expect a knight in shining armor with his well groomed horse waiting on your doorstep with a rose on his hand asking you out on a date.
I mean... If we're still in the eighties, we might get a chance to feel those romantic feelings.
Guys in their finest tux all nervous to bring girls out for a ball and dance with the melody of musics played so soothly.
But now.... All guys are dressed in jeans and shirts. They bring girls to clubs and jumping and hopping along with those rock musics.
Sometimes I felt that my parents' generations is much more happier and more romantic.
As for love... Happily ever after... I don't think it will happen.
fantasy will remain as fantasy.
And reality... It's been by our sides for as long as we live.

*Lyrics from a song "A life goes by, Romantic dreams must die"*

Pretty true, it's too far to be grasp.

p/s: I'm switching to writing diary soon. Partly is because I won't be having internet access anymore. Besides that, I need a little privacy...

Saturday, May 8, 2010


Have to post this!
A song from Zee Avi.
Into her right now!

Semalam I call you, you tak answer
You kata you keluar pergi dinner
You kata you keluar dengan kawan you
but when I called Tommy he said it wasn't true

So I drove my car pergi Damansara
Tommy kata maybe you tengok bola
Tapi bila I sampai... you, you tak ada
Lagi la I jadi gila

So I called and called sampai you answer
You kata sorry sayang tadi tak dengar
My phone was on silent, I was at the gym
Tapi latar belakang suara perempuan lain

Sudahlah sayang, I don't believe you
I've always known that your words were never true
Why am I with you?
I pun tak tahu
No wonder la my friends pun tak suka you

So I guess that's the end of our story
Akhir kata she accepted his apology
Tapi last-last kita dapat tahu she was cheating too
With her ex boyfriend's best friend, Tommy...

Sunday, May 2, 2010


Won't be blogging for the time being.
Will resume after moving and probably after exam.
Had quite a good chat with a stranger today.
He asked for number.
But I didn't give.
= P
Tak da kimia !!!